Thursday, November 09, 2006

Gardening Gansta-style.

I came across this in the london paper on my tube ride home today. Guerrilla gardening is an excellent idea, in my opinion, I'm glad that they're doing it. I must confess to my amusement over the fact that they have been stopped by the police on occasion (although the cops do tend to take a positive view of what is being done), and the fact that, technically, doing free gardening to run-down public spaces is illegal.

Perhaps, if the argument that other illegal activities sometimes find popularity among the youth due to their very illegality (e.g. graffiti) holds, young people could be encouraged to garden by stealth?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great find. For a bit I was the Cabinet Member for the Environment on Lewisham Council and I loved the idea of people taking control of the public space near where they lived.

In fact I encouraged it in my own ward where we got a couple of people to take over the planting and maintenance of a planter near Blackheath Village.

Before that there was a close in Downham which decided they would plant a patch of grass in an attempt to stop the fly-tipping and vandalism that was endemic. It worked really well and is now an annual part of the borough's "in Bloom" bid.

11/13/2006 10:13 AM  

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